As long as I don't have to send my laptop back to Apple yet, I might as well post my ramblings on my movie adventures over the past week. The most obvious ones being Indiana Jones and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which I saw back-to-back.
When I arrived at the theater pretty much every screening of Indiana Jones was sold out and my theater recently opened up a new showing from 30 minutes ago. They kind of pushed me into seeing it saying that after the trailers and those newfangled advertisements they play before movies now that I'd only miss the first five or so minutes. So I reluctantly went to the screening aware of the way cool David Fincher trailer I was missing and the clever opening they had with the Paramount Logo. I came in just a little bit before Cate Blanchett appeared.
Afterwards, I figured if they pushed me to miss the first few minutes (and this is missing the first minutes of INDIANA JONES, I've been waiting for this movie for like a year) that I'd have every right to sit through the credits and watch the trailers and first few minutes that I missed. During the wait between films which was around twenty minutes or so I noticed a few telltale signs that I probably wasn't going to see Indiana Jones. The first was the fact that they changed the aspect ratio from the more cinematic 2.35 : 1 to the more commercially viable 1.85 : 1. The second was that throughout the entire wait only a couple of dates showed up. Lastly, the trailers were all for films in the early summer, like June/July and on top of that they showed the Red Band trailer for Pineapple Express, something that I feel would be a bit too obscene for the family friendly Indiana Jones crowd. Sure enough after the trailer for the Judd Apatow produced Seth Rogan comedy, the opening credits for the Judd Apatow produced Jason Segel comedy, Forgetting Sarah Marshall showed up. Had it been any other movie, I would have totally left but I REALLY wanted to see this one and I felt that this would probably be my last chance to see it. Also anything with a controversial ad campaign that offended everyone named Sarah Marshall in New York City is cool in my book.
Onward to the movies I saw over the past week:
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - I had mixed feelings towards this one. When the movie was actually rolling I was having a blast. Like I was never really blown away by anything and most of the film seemed just to be "remaking" the signature moments of the other films with a plot that is more of an excuse just for Indy to beat up some Soviets. Surprisingly I didn't really mind Shia Labeouf too much. The only reason I don't really like him is that I will ALWAYS associate him with that kid who was on Even Stevens and his role in Holes didn't really do much to erase that Disney Channel slave image I had of him.
The movie really fell apart for me in that it was made in 2008 and not in like 1992 or something. I wasn't really too pleased when I saw a man getting covered in some pretty fake looking 3D animated ants and when they were climbing down into a CG tomb that was ready to collapse. I felt that these touches were a little unnecessary and I'd rather have them limit the amount of CG in favor of prosthetic and plaster props. At least when those look fake they try to hide it a bit more as opposed to rubbing it in your face. When used sparingly I can be fooled by CG but when there's too much of it I can't help but feel the aftertaste of it, and I really doubt there will ever be a time when I can see CG and find it completely believable. There were also quite a few Science Fiction elements in Indiana Jones which were thankfully only in a few minutes of the movie but it kind of ruins the essence of Indiana Jones for me. I guess it wasn't really a bad movie or anything, it just wasn't the next logical step in the series.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall - I actually enjoyed this one a lot more than Indiana Jones. It weighed a bit more on the drama side than most of the comedies in the Apatow camp but this was a good thing. The film played out like your typical romantic comedy except it switched the genders of the characters, making it a lot funnier than the standard throwaway comedy you'd see on TBS at 2 in the morning. While the plot was pretty obvious and it didn't really traverse any new ground, it didn't really need to. The heart was there and that puts it above 90% of the unfunny Ben Stiller romantic comedies in the past ten years.
Live Free or Die Hard - I'm really glad I saw the Unrated version of this on the DVD, it was every bit the profanity-laden popcorn film I was expecting. Its a shame it was edited down to a PG-13 by Fox, especially during the same year when R-rated films like 300 were raking in huge box office numbers. The DVD was a worthy apology but I guess I can't really argue with their decision to edit it down to a PG-13, its the kind of film that skewers more towards hyped up 12 year olds than people who are old enough to think during movies. I think the story involved "hackers" or something, but their portrayal of technology was pretty laughable. They refreshingly had a lot of actual stunts and pyrotechnics versus CG animation, when they went for CG it looked terrible but I could forgive it for mostly holding back on it. Not an incredibly smart film but a lot of stuff blows up and you get to see Justin Long (the Mac from the Mac vs. PC ads) getting shot in the knee, which is worth the price of admission alone. Also, Kevin Smith's cameo role was pretty awesome.
Fargo - I was surprised at how close this movie was to No Country for Old Men, replace the desert with snow and the similarities in style were pretty stunning. The only other films from the Coen brothers that I have seen apart from the aforemented films above were The Big Lebowski and O Brother Where Art Thou? the latter of the two I didn't really like that much. I really loved Steve Buscemi's character in this, especially after seeing Ghost World. He pretty much played the same thing, except a bit more of a psychopathic killer. I held off on watching this for ahwhile because its one of my grandpa's favorite movies and every week he was telling me to watch it on TV. I kind of wish I listened to him earlier, this movie was pretty rockin'.
Forbidden Planet - I've seen this movie on Turner Classic Movies a few times and at Pratt I practically lived at the aforementioned comic book store of the same name. I picked up the 50th Anniversary Edition at the Virgin Megastore on their $10 bin, I've been holding off on buying this DVD and now I missed out on the cool tin it was packaged in but I suppose I'd rather save $20 then get some pretty cool nerd enviable bonuses. The movie is surprisingly watchable to this day and it only feels derivative because it was so influential back in 1956. There are scenes in Star Wars that have literally taken the same exact camera angle from shots in Forbidden Planet and Robby the Robot bears a strong resemblance to C-3PO. For a 50th edition DVD the special features are fairly light, they've included all of the film Invisible Boy which also starred Robby the Robot but that one is barely worth watching, the only other real feature of note is a special on the 1950s that was lifted directly from Turner Classic Movies. The interviews with George Lucas, James Cameron and Steven Speilberg are welcome however.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - I haven't been keeping up with the Harry Potter films and I picked up the latest one from my library to see if I have been missing anything. For someone who hasn't seen a Harry Potter film in the past six years, this movie does very little to pick up the pieces. Either that or Harry's much awesomer than I remembered and he'll totally make out with with an Asian girl after only talking to her for three minutes. It would be helpful if the movie tried a little harder to be more self-contained, it took about the 50 minute mark for the movie to get onto its actual plot and leave from picking up the pieces of the last two movies I saw. The special effects were nice, but that's about the only thing I could wrap my head around.
Ghost World - I kind of couldn't stand Art School Confidential even though it was based off of Daniel Clowes's experience at Pratt Institute. The other collaboration between Clowes and Terry Zwigoff was actually pretty decent. Not as amazing as the reviews suggested but the deadpan humor kind of worked in this. It also featured Scarlett Johansson back when she was a mangy teen and not an overblown sex symbol, which was pretty surreal. I was not a big fan of the ending of this movie but at least it wasn't a third as self absorbed as Art School Confidential.
Chicago - Overblown in my opinion, I don't really see how it won as many Academy Awards as it did. I hope it was a slow year or something. Just most of the musical sequences and choreography seemed kind of the same to me and the plot seemed to be just an excuse to have more cabaret sequences. The Hairspray film from last year was a thousand times better and that didn't even get a Golden Globe. Go figure...
Cloverfield - I remembered last year I was really caught up in the hype and ARG marketing campaign behind it but by the time I actually came out I became kind of apathetic. I watched it on DVD when the hype settled down and for a movie of its budget with relatively unknown talent, I thought it was pretty good and they were able to pull off some pretty believable CG considering. I really liked the idea of using older footage on the tape to serve as both a beginning and an end to the film but I felt it went a little overboard with the shakey camera. I kind of wish they did not show the monster at the end either, it was more exciting only seeing pieces of its obscured body and making a mental image of it. This was a fun movie for how unique it was but I feel if that Cloverfield sequel is still coming out, the idea will run pretty thin. I mean, it got old here after its relatively short runtime of about 80 minutes.
Flushed Away - I liked a lot of the Aardman style humor that was still evident in this but I did not really like all the pop culture references that seemed to be thrown in there at the last minute. The plot seemed kind of thrown together and the lavish life at the beginning was pretty useless and seemed like more of an excuse to get a toilet joke in there. While not half as dreadful as most CG Dreamworks movies, it left a bit to be desired. I know Dreamworks ended their contract with Aardman after this film was such a financial disaster. Its a real shame. The Wallace and Gromit movie was the closest Dreamworks will EVER get to an Academy Award for one of their Animated Features. They just got lucky with Shrek, Monsters Inc. deserved it way more.
The Fountain - Takes repeated viewings to really understand, has some clever cinematography though. Also the fact that the sap from the tree at the end was just Alka-Seltzer kind of ruined it for me. I can't really watch that scene without bursting into laughter.
I just picked up my MacBook from the Apple Store and they said that "after running it through 24 hours of intensive testing that they found nothing wrong with it" but when I got it back the battery was only at 84% which means that they only ran it off the battery for about 20 minutes or so. This happened to me before with the Apple Store, two weeks before my laptop went into a total coma I went over to the Apple Store and they said it was "totally fine" then two weeks later I was taking notes during Art History class and then I got the spinning rainbow pinwheel of death for 20 minutes and was unable to turn off the computer without taking out the battery. Sure enough, after that I was really only able to back up my files by running the computer in safe mode and even then it couldn't handle more than 2 GB at a time without crashing.
That time I went in and they said it was only a "defective harddrive and battery" and replaced it a couple of days later. This would be a minor set-back if I didn't have to spend two hours on the subway a couple of weeks before finals to get my MacBook "repaired" (though they didn't actually fix anything). At least now when my MacBook inevitably explodes on me, I won't be wasting any valuable time...I think anyway.
UPDATE: It made the sound again after I used my laptop for only 40 minutes and I caught it on iMovie with my iSight camera (one of the many great features of my Mac :-/). I feel like kind of a jerk in the video but it gets the point across. I think its the sound of the fan hitting something...
UPDATE 2: They'll send me an empty box (filled with empty promises :P) and I'll get my beloved MacBook back come Friday. We'll see how this all pans out.
The Apple Store has my laptop at the moment and it just doesn't seem right to blog on any other computer so I'll keep this one fairly short, I've just seen Indiana Jones and Forgetting Sarah Marshall in theaters. Expect a more elaborate post on that whenever my laptop comes back from the land of Apple. My laptop started to make a scary mechanical jingling noise over from the fan but it would not make the sound when the laptop was off (but it would in sleep mode), they've had it for the last couple of days now.
I've seen a fair bit of movies from my library too. So in the meantime I'll post this really cool custom level of Super Mario World that syncs to some pretty sweet music. I've seen a couple of ones in the past but none were of this length.
The Haruhi Suzumiya chime in the last video reminded me a bit of this slightly less impressive Mario level that I've seen about a year ago. Still fairly cool.
I broke out in laughter when I read this news, it appears that the next cinematic disaster from Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer (the two of the six Scary Movie writers that brought us the unwatchable Date Movie, Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans) will be called Disaster Movie. The aptly titled film will supposedly parody There Will Be Blood and the Sex and the City Movie. For some reason I feel as though they have not seen There Will Be Blood and the closest thing they could come up with to humor would be something related to that wildly popular I Drink Your Milkshake scene at the end of the film.
I have actually seen two of their three movies on HBO one late night and they were even worse than their respective trailers. They have the uncanny ability to crack out a few jokes every minute but keep them consistently unfunny, most of the extent of their humor relied on pop culture references that would be far from cutting edge seven years ago and scatological humor where half of the time it seemed as though they threw it into their script at the last minute or just added a couple of sound effects in their post department. While Disaster Movie sounds as terrible as their past movies, it at least sounds marginally better than their upcoming PG-13 rated parody of Superbad. Ack!
I'm sure the humor in the title Disaster Movie goes well over the heads of Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer...
With the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian opening this week and Indiana Jones opening the next, I decided to skip out on Narnia and save up my energy and money on Indiana Jones (despite the lukewarm reception its earning in the early buzz). Here are my thoughts on some of the news from the past week in movie land.
Apparently, Uwe Boll may not need a million signatures on the Stop Uwe Boll Petition to stop making movies. His latest film, Postal will not be screened at any movie theater in the United States and will go directly to DVD. This is fantastic news, as Uwe Boll's terrible video game adaptations not only lose money from the German government (look it up) but they are also one of the many factors that keeps video games from being considered an art form. While Postal was not necessarily a great game to begin with, he also has a Far Cry movie coming down the pipeline. Boll believes that theaters are afraid to show his film due to the controversial subject matter, which is partially true. I'd say its too soon for a 9/11 comedy movie but there's barely any humor that could be found in such a tragedy, it would be like making a comedy film about the JFK assassination, doing so is only distasteful. I'm sure the fact that Uwe Boll's last film, In The Name of the King a Dungeon Siege Tale lost $50 million worldwide doesn't help either. [link]
Despite Harrison Ford and Shia LaBeouf being contractually attached to a possible three new Indiana Jones films, George Lucas recently announced that he may make a fifth Indiana Jones movie possibly five or six years from now. I guess this is good news, even though George Lucas hasn't really made a good film since The Empire Strikes Back (which he didn't even direct) he's still gained immortality in my mind just for the strength of those two films. I feel as if Lucas is just stuck in a creative rut and is making films anyway "for the fans" with a total lack of inspiration. The five year break should be enough for him to get his head together. [link]
The first images from Sylvain Chomet's (The Triplet's of Belleville) next film The Illusionist (not the Ed Norton one) have emerged on the internet. I'm fairly excited for this one because he's using an old script from Jacques Tati as the baseline for the film. Tati's style is actually very compatible with Chomet's subtle animation and working off of Tati's script I'm sure he'll be able to get a story 10 times better than that of Triplets of Belleville. I'm also kind of entrigued to see how modern audiences would react to a fifty year old script animated with 21st century technology. [link]
A Goosebumps movie is coming out. I was looking over the Monster Blood books lately and their plots are fairly laughable. This movie will at least be awesomely bad. [link]
The character designs for Bolt are looking a bit generic. This wouldn't really be that bad of a statement if it was not assembled from the ashes of American Dog, a 3D animated project from Chris Sanders (Lilo and Stitch) where he was abruptly fired. The early footage from it was looking quite good. [link]
Jon Favreau may not be directing Iron Man 2...not cool. [link]
Mike Judge is considering a live-action Beavis and Butt-head movie. The notion of an animated series being adapted into a live-action film would normally make me cringe but I feel that Mike Judge's dead pan humor does not really take too much advantage of animation in the first place and it translated really well to Office Space (which was based off of an animated short he made anyway). [link]
Michael Moore's next film will be called Fahrenheit 9/12. September 12th is my birthday so that's as good a reason as any to want to have that on my DVD shelf. [link]
On the note of video game film adaptations, Paul Thomas Anderson (director of There Will Be Blood) may direct the inevitable Metal Gear Solid movie. This all sounds pretty promising but I guess I felt the same way when they announced that Christophe Gans (Brotherhood of the Wolf) would direct the Silent Hill film, which turned out pretty terrible. [link]
Onto the movies I watched on DVD this week...
The Orphanage (El Orfanato) - I picked this one out because I always cautiously wanted to see this one. The trailer reminded me a bit of the 1976 version of The Omen and typically creepy little kids make for great horror flicks. It also was "presented" by Guillermo Del Toro (the Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy guy) which is a decent reason to be excited. I found it pretty comendable how the film refrained from using gore apart from pivotal moments when it would be actually scary. While I don't mind torture horror flicks like Hostel, after ahwhile all the gore begins to lose meaning and it just becomes more of a popcorn flick than a horror movie. I was not too sure about the ending. It seemed a little too fairytalish while the rest of the movie had a art house meets low budget 70s horror-esque vibe.
Marie Antoinette - this was one I always wanted to see but never wanted to put any money down on. I really enjoyed the style of Lost in Translation so I was interested to see where Sophia Coppola's style went wrong in this movie. Surprisingly I really enjoyed the change of pace in the bubblegum and punk rock coated approach Coppola took in this historical biopic, I just wish more of the film radiated that tone and not a few overdrawn out montages that just felt a little out of place. The run time was a bit longer than the film deserved too.
Groundhog Day - this one is often stated as one of the best comedy movies of all time, with an incredibly high rating on IMDB and a place in the Library of Congress. I'd actually have to agree with this. I was afraid that the unique concept would run thin but instead it played off of the repetitious concept and threw it through every possible scenario. Bill Murray was fantastic in this too, very funny but also very serious at times too.
Akeelah and the Bee - I typically like to avoid anything that has to do with the overpriced marketing based empire known as Starbucks Coffee and Lionsgate has been responsible for some of the worst horror movies of all time. However, this drama was quite good. I felt a bit cheated by the ending but it was able to compete with the fantastic documentary Spellbound in my mind and that's a pretty amazing achievement in its own right.
I always find it hilarious how defensive Sega is on their Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. I sure hope the video posted below is a glitch and not the actual Havok physics engine they backed the game on, where the bad guys would have ragdoll physics. With that being said I can fully understand why Sega wants to completely ignore the 2006 next generation entry of the Sonic franchise in their hype for the upcoming Sonic Unleashed. I almost find it pathetic that the biggest addition in this year's entry to the series is the fact that the game will switch to 2D style side scrolling during the fast moments of the game and then switch back to 3D.
Its as if they're starting to give up on the notion of making a 3D Sonic game and just giving the fans what they want. I guess this would make sense, the only good Sonic games in the past 10 years were 2D style games on the Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS, all of which weren't developed by Sonic Team. Its almost as if the Tokyo based Dimps team knows Sonic better than Sonic Team themselves. We'll find out soon enough since the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed will be handled by Dimps while the Xbox 360/PS3/PS2 ones will be from Sonic Team. The fact that they have yet to unveil the new "unleashed" werewolf gameplay aspect of the game is just a bit unnerving to say the least.
I saw this the other day on TV and I couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy over the very concept of rapping to the "Tetris theme". While there is one part of me that wishes one of the rappers was not wearing a NES controller jacket because the NES version did not feature the Russian folk song Korobeiniki but rather classical tunes from the Nutcracker, I can still forgive them for the remix being fairly awesome. Unlike other nerd culture with rap clashes such as Kanye West and Busta Rhymes rapping over Daft Punk songs, I actually liked this...sort of.
The trailer for this game leaked onto video sharing websites a couple of days ago but was removed fairly quickly by SEGA's request. Now that the four game contract with Platinum Games has been officially unveiled the trailer is now here to stay on the world of YouTube. The team is composed mostly of former staff members of Capcom's Clover Studio which created Okami on the PS2 and more recently Wii as well as the Viewtiful Joe series and God Hand.
The game apparently follows a man with a chainsaw for an arm who is caught up in a twisted game show. Over the top violence, an obnoxious TV announcer and some level of hilarity will ensue. The plot seems reminiscent of the first Manhunt game and the visual style and humor seems to be a mix of No More Heroes and Sin City (probably more along the lines of the film, Renaissance, but that's barely worth mentioning) and I believe one of the writers of Killer7 is working on the plot of the game too.
The game is due out in the first quarter of '09 (around the same time No More Heroes came out) and will be out on the Wii. Here's hoping it will deliver better chainsaw thrills than the port of the already underwhelming Scarface game...
The Onion has the weird ability of blurring the line between satire and reality. I found this a couple of weeks ago, still find it absolutely hilarious.
I've been away for the past weekend in a place without any Internet so I may have appeared kind of dead on the blog as of late. But it was a fun trip and I went to a Wendy's fast food restaurant that was apparently Zagat rated, I didn't really notice anything much different. Also, in Cape Cod, Massachusetts I went during the off-season and was finally able to get a spot in the Tugboat's restaurant. The place really sucked however, way overpriced and the portions were really small considering how much everything cost. Captain Parker's is much better.
While there, I dragged my parents to see Iron Man (either that or Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and I feel that the latter would just be awkward), the theater only had maybe three other people at most. Probably because it was the off-season in Cape Cod. Regardless, it was pretty awesome. I feel like now would be the perfect chance to ramble on about the movies I've watched over the past couple of weeks.
Iron Man - My favorite superhero movie since the spectacular Spider-man 2. Since I didn't really get caught up in the tremendous hype for this one outside of a couple of the teasers at Comic Con, a lot of the action scenes caught me by surprise. the fact that Iron Man is not as big a superhero as Batman, Superman or Spider-man came to a real advantage here as most of the movie just set-up Tony Stark's character as opposed to sappy love subplots. A lot of intensity, and a lot less action than you'd think. Very unconventional too, seemed to be one part Roboocop and one part Batman.
National Lampoon's Dorm Daze - On one of my last days at Pratt, this movie showed up on my desk. My suitemate forgot to return it from Blockbuster a couple of months ago and therefore he "bought" it with a $20 late fee. Having no other choice and nothing better to do with my time, I popped it into my laptop and turned on the commentary track. They said it was originally just an indie "Shakespearian" comedy film (I guess it was about as funny as a Shakespearian comedy) but after it got picked up by MGM they slapped on the National Lampoon name because it would sell better. The directors discussed the "subtleties" (and those are air quotes) of the posters on the wall representing the ambitions of the characters with one having a cityscape and the other having pin up models. The directors didn't really seem too concerned with the comedy as much as just how marketable their movie was, which makes sense for this had marketing executive written all over it. It also had Topanga from Boy Meets World in it, she didn't really do much, she just existed in the background.
Teen Wolf/Teen Wolf Too - I saw this double pack at Target on their $4 bin and I couldn't resist. I knew both of them are terrible movies, but I really just wanted to pick it up for the sheer fact that Teen Wolf Too was written by none other then Tim Kring of Heroes fame. The first Teen Wolf movie only really existed to capitalize on the fame of Michael J. Fox after the first Back to the Future movie made it huge. A quick glance at the trailer and the posters has more emphasis on the "Back to the Future" star than it does the actual name of the film. A couple of scenes were funny, but in not the way the director intended, the script didn't really go anywhere and the make-up was laughable. Teen Wolf Too was pretty much the same exact movie as the first one, except replace Michael J. Fox with Jason Bateman. While it was novel to see Jason Bateman of Arrested Development fame shooting fire out of his eyes, this one would be better off forgotten alongside most terrible 80s movies.
Looking through my old high school stuff is like looking through an old photo album. There are some things I'm proud of while there are other things I just don't understand why I did. Here are the videos I find "watchable" from high school. Its like looking into a deeper portrait of my soul...or something...
Don't Do PSP Belts Out a Facemelter This was a rotoscope project. It was my first time rotoscoping so you can see I changed my style halfway through drawing it. I didn't really want to draw in my body so I went for a more kaleidoscope effect with it. Looked kind of cool.
Average Day in New Jersey This was a project where I had to take a 30 second audio clip and animate over it. I had a friend of mine figure out the lips while I created a situation around it. That same friend added in more blood fountains to the project. Was probably a good idea.
Some Old Guy Pelvic Thrusting This was for a project where we had to animate someone dancing to one of four looping audio tracks. I couldn't really come up with any dance, so I just drew this old guy pelvic thrusting instead.
Dragonball Zebra Slash Brink 2 I didn't really have a whole lot to do with this movie. I animated the Zebra's run cycle within the first 10 seconds or so of the movie, and for the few seconds on screen its pretty rockin'. I'm not sure about the rest of this project but it has that kind of 10 year olds goofing around with their parent's movie camera charm to it, so its awfully hard to rag on this. I also learned how much I hate green screens from this too.
Here are some of the videos I've made in 4D design class during foundation year at Pratt, I especially like the Laundry Day one. I know the embedding looks a bit weird, but after you play it, it scales to the right size.
This week Circuit City has No More Heroes for the reasonable price of $19.99, if you have a Wii and haven't picked this title up now's the perfect chance. I got it when it first came out back in January and while the style's a bit rough around the edges there was enough heart in the game to overshadow those shortcomings. The dialogue and voice acting are beautifully Japanese and its eccentric B-movie-esque humor is enough to set it apart from any other game I can think of.
I mean seriously, its a game about an anime fan that buys a lightsaber off of eBay and tries to become the #1 assassin with it. What more could you ask for?
That's right! After years and years of procrastination, I finally got around to creating a blog. Here you'll find my rants, raves and various art related projects, all with a handy RSS feed. I may get around to creating a web comic or I'll just get lazy and post some of the work that I liked from Foundation year over at Pratt. I'll import my posts from here to facebook, so this will likely clog up any news feeds over on there.
At the moment, I kind of need more friends, so if you have a blog and I know you, I'll totally put a link over on the side. Here's hoping this blog winds up halfway decently.
Hi there! I'm a movie and video game geek that happens to draw things. Currently I'm a Junior 3D Animation major at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.
I'm also a colorblind student at art school, people tend to go crazy over that and yes, I had to take Color Theory class Freshman year and of course it sucked.