Jumper Crash (Experimental Animation) from Chris Cookson on Vimeo.
My midterm for the Programming for Animators class at Pratt Institute animated using mostly Python scripting and then a bit of compositing in AfterEffects at the end. Rob O'Neill was the instructor.
Audio was the track -Jumper- (ID: 168734) from the Newgrounds Audio Portal by user Waterflame.
and also here are some things I am working on for character design class
That was my initial sketch, she was based off of an ink blot I found on the now defunct Daily Monster blog when it was asking for user submissions. My idea is that she was a fashion model who sold her right arm to the devil to be granted eternal youth; think of it as District 9 meets The Devil Wears Prada.
and the latest revision of her design so she would look a bit better in 3D...
lastly, here is a rendering of a bust of my head I did in Character Design class; the head is toon shaded while I added in the line art in flash.
as always, be sure to check out both my Vivian blog (where about 60% of my homework time is going towards) and my Twitter for more updates on what I'm doing.